16. Re-creating Your Reality
As your journey to eternity, as you move to mastery, you will find yourself confronted with many circumstances, situations, and developments in your life, some of which you may call unwelcome. The first thing that most people do in such moments is the last thing that you should do, which is to try to figure out what it all means.
Some people think that things happen for a reason, and so they try to discern what that reason is. Others say that certain things are “a sign.” So they try to understand what the sign is telling them.
In one way or another, people try to find meaning in the events and experiences of their lives. Yet the fact is that nothing has any meaning at all. There is no intrinsic truth hidden in the encounters and experiences of life. Who would hide it there? And why?
If it were there for you to discover, wouldn’t it be much more efficient to make it obvious? If God had something to tell you, wouldn’t it be a lot easier (to say nothing of kinder) to simply tell you, rather than make it a mystery that you had to solve?
The fact is, there is no meaning to anything, save the meaning you give it.
Life is meaningless.
That is difficult for many humans to accept, yet it is My greatest gift. By rendering life meaningless, I give you the opportunity to decide what anything and everything means. Out of your decisions will you define yourself in relationship to anything and everything in life.
This is, in fact, the means by which you experience Who You Choose to Be.
This is the act of self-creation, of re-creating yourself anew in the grandest version of the greatest vision you ever held about Who You Are.
So when a particular thing happens to you, don’t ask yourself why it is happening. Choose why it is happening. Decide why it is happening. If you can’t choose or decide with intention, then make it all up. You are anyway. You are making up all the reasons for doing things, or for why things are happening the way they are. Yet most of the time you are doing this unconsciously. Now make up your mind (and your life) consciously!
Do not search for life’s meaning, or the meaning of any particular event, occurrence, or circumstance. Give it its meaning. Then announce and declare, express and experience, fulfill and become Who You Choose to Be in relationship to it.
If you are a keen observer, you will notice that you keep bringing yourself the same situation or circumstance over and over again in your life until you re-create yourself anew.
This is the journey to mastery.
The Master, and the student on the journey to mastery, knows that the Illusions are illusions, decides why they are there, and then consciously creates what will be experienced next within the self through the Illusions.
When facing any life experience, there is a formula, a process, through which you, too, may move toward mastery. Simply make the following statements:
1. Nothing in my world is real.
2. The meaning of everything is the meaning I give it.
3. I am who I say I am, and my experience is what I say it is.
This is how to work with the Illusions of Life. now we shall take another look at a few “real life” examples and revisit some earlier observations, for emphasis brings greater clarity.
When faced with the Illusions of Need, it may seem to you as though your experience is very real.
Need will present itself to you in one of two disguises: your need, or the need of others.
When the Need appears to be yours, it will feel much more urgent. Fear could set in quickly, depending on the nature of the Need that you are imagining.
If you are imagining that you need oxygen, for instance, you may be confronted with immediate panic. This would follow logically from your belief that your life was at stake. Only a true Master, or someone who has had a near-death experience and is clear that death does not exist, would be likely to remain calm in such a circumstance. Others would have to train themselves to be.
But it is possible to do that.
The irony is that exactly such calm that would be called for. Only calm would be conducive to the thoughts and actions that could generate a peaceful outcome.
Divers understand this. That is why they learn not to panic when they feel they are running out of air, or when their oxygen is cut off. Others, too, have learned how to avoid panic under what many would call very stressful and fearful circumstances.
There are other less extreme, but also life-threatening, situations that could produce fear. News of a terminal illness, for example. Or an armed robbery. But there are those who have discovered that they could face a potentially life-ending disease, or even the possibility of violence to their person, with extraordinary equanimity. How did they do this? What is this about?
It all has to do with perspective.
And that is what we are talking about here—your perspective.
Seeing the illusion of death as an illusion changes everything. Knowing that it has no meaning except the meaning you give it allows you to decide what it means. Understanding that all of life is a process of re-creation creates a context within which you may experience Who You Really Are in relationship to death.
Jesus did this and astonished the world.
Others have done it as well, moving through death with a peaceful grace that astounds and inspires everyone around them.
Beneath the level of life-threatening experiences, Need has much less power as an illusion.
Beneath the level of physical pain it has virtually no power at all.
Many humans, but not all, have a great deal of difficulty with physical pain. If someone were to say “this is an illusion” during a moment of pain, they might have something different to utter.
Indeed, for many, pain—and the possibility of it—is more fearful than death.
Yet this illusion, too, can be dealt with. Earlier in this communication I spoke of the difference between pain and suffering. Masters know this difference, as do all people who see the Illusions of Life for what they are true.
The Illusions of Need would suggest that humans need to be pain-free in order not to suffer, in order to be happy. Yet pain and happiness are not mutually exclusive—as many women who have given birth can attest.
Freedom from pain is not a need, it is a preference. By moving need to the level of preference you place yourself in a position of extraordinary power over the experience you are having.
You can even have power over pain—sufficient power to virtually ignore it, and often actually make it disappear. Many people have demonstrated this.
Dealing with Illusions of Need that are beneath the level of physical pain is even easier.
You may think that you need a particular person to be happy, or a job to be successful, or some other emotional or physical gratification to be content. That is when you may wish to notice that you are here, right now, without it. Why, then, do you think you need it?
Close examination will reveal that you do not need it, not to survive, and not even to be happy.
Happiness is a decision, not an experience.
You can decide to be happy without what you thought you needed in order to be happy, and you will be.
That is one of the most important things you could ever come to understand. That is why I am revisiting this point.
Happiness is a decision, not an experience. You can decide to be happy without what you needed in order to be happy, and you will be.
Your experience is the result of your decision, not the cause of it.
(The same is true, incidentally, of love. Love is not a reaction, love is decision. When you remember this, you are approaching mastery.)
The second disguise of Need is that of the need of others. If you do not see this Illusion as an illusion, you could trap yourself into constantly trying to meet the needs of others, especially others you love—your children, spouses, or friends.
This can lead to quiet resentment, and then, boiling anger—on the part of both you and the person being helped. The irony is that by continuing to meet the needs of others, including (and perhaps especially) children and life partners, you may do more to disempower them than to help them—another point that was made earlier.
When you see others in “need,” allow yourself to use the Illusion to express the part of your self that you choose to experience. Perhaps you would choose what you call compassion or generosity, kindness or your own abundance, or even all of the above—but be clear that you are never doing anything for another. Memorize this statement: Everything I do, I do for myself.
That is another most important things you could ever come to understand. I will, therefore, repeat it.
Everything I do, I do for myself.
That is God’s truth, as well as yours. The only difference is that God knows this.
There is no interest other than self interest. That is because the self is all there is. You are One with everything, and there is nothing that is not you. When you are clear about this, you definition of self-interest will change.
When faced with the Illusion of Failure, it may seem to you as though this experience is very real.
Failure will present itself in one of two disguises: your “failure,” and the “failure” of others.
When faced with what appears to be failure, immediately make the three statements of ultimate truth:
1. Nothing in my world is real.
2. The meaning of everything is the meaning I give it.
3. I am who I say I am, and my experience is what I say it is.
This is the triune truth—or, the Holy Trinity.
Decide what your experience of failure means. Choose to call your failure a success. Then, re-create your self anew in the face of this failure. Decide Who You Are in relationship to the experience you are having. Do not ask yourself why you are having it. There is no why, except the why you give it.
So decide that “I have had this experience in order that I might move one step closer to the success I seek. This experience has been given to me as a gift. I embrace it and treasure it, and learn from it.”
Remember that I have said all learning is remembering.
Therefore, celebrate failure. There are enlightened companies on your planet that actually do this. When a “mistake” is made, an “error” is discovered, or a “failure” is experienced, the boss invites everyone to cheer the event! That boss understands what I am telling you here—and his employees would walk off plank into icy cold water for him. There is nothing they would not do, for he has created an environment of safety and a climate of success in which they can experience the grandest part of themselves, and of their creativity.
Disunity will present itself to you in one of two disguises: your “disunity,” and the “disunity” of others.
You may feel terribly disconnected from God. You may feel totally separate from your fellow humans. And you may feel that others are completely separate from you. This could create the smaller illusions of loneliness or depression.
When faced with what appears to be Disunity, immediately make the three statements of ultimate truth:
1. Nothing in my world is real.
2. The meaning of everything is the meaning I give it.
3. I am who I say I am, and my experience is what I say it is.
This invokes the triad process:
A. See the Illusion as an illusion.
B. Decide what it means.
C. Re-create yourself anew.
If you are feeling lonely, see your “aloneness” as an illusion. Decide that your loneliness means that you have not reached out enough to the world around you—how can anyone be lonely in a world full of lonely people? Then choose to re-create your self anew as one who touches others with love.
Do this for three days and your whole mood will change. Do this for three weeks and your loneliness of the moment will end. Do this for three months and you will never be lonely again.
And then you will understand that your loneliness was all an illusion, totally controllable by you.
Even people who are in jail cells or in sick beds, completely isolated from others, can change their outer experience by altering their inner reality. This can be done through communion with God, the very experience to which this book is leading you. For once you have a meeting with the Creator within, you will never again need anything outside of yourself to avoid feeling lonely.
Mystics and monks, religious communities and spiritual devotees throughout all of time have proven this. The inner ecstasy of spiritual communion and Oneness with all of creation (that means Me!) is unmatchable in the outside world.
Indeed, Disunity is an Illusion.
So, too, will see you everything as illusory, and as a blessed gift, allowing you to choose and experience Who You Really Are.
Let us take a few more examples, using a few more of the Illusions (any of them could be used, the formula is the same.)
When faced with the Illusion of Condemnation, it may seem to you as though this experience is very real.
Condemnation will present itself to you in one of two disguises: your “condemnation,” and the “condemnation” of others.
When faced with the Illusion of Superiority, it may seem to you as though this experience is very real.
Superiority will present itself to you in two disguises: your “superiority,” and the “superiority” of others.
When faced with the Illusion of Ignorance, it may seem to you as though this experience is very real.
Ignorance will present itself to you in one of two disguises: your “ignorance,” and the “ignorance” of others.
Do you see the pattern? Are you beginning to calculate, before I even tell you, some good ways in which you may use these Illusions?
Confronted with the condemnation of others, you will be tempted to condemn.
Confronted with your condemnation, others will be tempted to condemn you.
Confronted with the superiority of others, you will be tempted to think of yourself as superior. Confronted with your superiority, others will be tempted to think of themselves as superior to you.
Do you see the pattern? Are you beginning to calculate, before I even tell you, some good ways in which you may use these Illusions?
Seeing the pattern is important. This is the pattern which you have overlaid upon the fabric of your own cultural story. This is what has caused you to experience your collective reality as it is on your planet.
You do not need Me to give you any more examples of how to step away from these Illusions and use them. Indeed, if I continue to give you specific examples, you will become dependent on Me. You will feel that you cannot understand or know how to re-create your self anew in the face of “real life,” day-to-day experiences.
Thus, you will begin to pray. “God, help me!” you will call out, and then thank Me if things work out well, and curse Me if they do not—as if I were granting some wishes and denying others…or, worse yet, granting the wishes of some people and denying the wishes of others.
I tell you this: It is not God’s job to grant or deny wishes. On what basis would I do so? Using what criteria?
Understand this, if you understand nothing else: God needs nothing.
If I need nothing, I therefore have no criteria by which I would decide whether you get to have something or not.
That decision is yours.
You can make that decision consciously or unconsciously.
You have been making it unconsciously for centuries. Indeed, for millennia. Here is how you can make it consciously.
A. See the Illusion as an illusion.
B. Decide what it means.
C. Re-create yourself anew.
Use the following statements of ultimate truth as tools in accomplishing the above.
1. Nothing in my world is real.
2. The meaning of everything is the meaning I give it.
3. I am who I say I am, and my experience is what I say it is.
The communication that I have been having with you here is your attempt to place into human words the complex concepts that you intuitively understand at a deep inner level of awareness.
These ideas have come to you, and through you before. If you are not careful, it will look as if they came to someone else, through someone else. This is an illusion.
You have brought this experience to your self, through your self, repeatedly. This is your process of your remembering.
The opportunity now is to transform these words into an experience of the flesh by replacing your Illusions with a new lived reality. This is the transformation of life on your planet of which I have spoken. Thus, I have inspired it to be said, “And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us.”
Monday, May 28, 2007
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