Monday, May 28, 2007

Teaching Your Children Well

11. Teaching Your Children Well

Teach these truths to your children.

Teach your children that they need nothing exterior to themselves to be happy—no person, place, or thing—and that true happiness is found within. Teach them that they are sufficient unto themselves.

Teach them this, and you will have taught them grandly.

Teach your children that failure is a fiction, that every trying is a success, and that every effort is what achieves the victory, with the first no less honorable than the last.

Teach them this, and you will have taught them grandly.

Teach your children that they are deeply connected to all of Life, that they are One with all people, and that they are never separate from God.

Teach them this, and you will have taught them grandly.

Teach your children that they live in a world of magnificent abundance, that there is enough for everyone, and that it is in sharing the most, not in gathering the most, that the most is received.

Teach them this, and you will have taught them grandly.

Teach your children that there is nothing that they are required to be or to do to be eligible for a life of dignity and fulfillment, that they need not compete with anyone for anything, and that God’s blessing are meant for everyone.

Teach them this, and you will have taught them grandly.

Teach your children that they will never be judged, that they need not worry about always getting it right, and that they do not have to change anything, or “get better,” to be seen as perfect and beautiful in the eyes of God.

Teach them this, and you will have taught them grandly.

Teach your children that consequences and punishment are not the same thing, that death does not exist, and that God would never condemn anyone.

Teach them this, and you will have taught them grandly.

Teach your children that there are no conditions to love, that they need not worry about ever losing your love, or God’s, and that their own love, unconditionally shared, is the greatest gift they can give to the world.

Teach them this, and you will have taught them grandly.

Teach your children that being special does not mean being better, that claiming superiority over someone is not seeing them for Who They Really Are, and that there is great healing in acknowledging “mine is not a better way, mine is merely another way.”

Teach them this, and you will have taught them grandly.

Teach your children that there is nothing that they cannot do, that the illusion of Ignorance can be eradicated from the earth, and that all anyone really needs is to be given back to themselves by being reminded of Who They Really Are.

Teach them this, and you will have taught them grandly.

Teach these things not with your words but with your actions; not with discussion but with demonstration. For it is what you do that your children will emulate, and how you are that they will become.

Go now and teach these things not only to your children but to all people and all nations. For all people are your children, and all nations are your home, when you set out on the journey to mastery.

This is the journey on which you embarked many centuries and many lifetimes ago. It is the journey for which you have prepared and that has brought you here, to this time and place.

This is the journey that calls you urgently now than ever before, on which you feel yourself proceeding with ever-increasing speed.

This is the inevitable outcome of the yearning of your soul. It is the speaking of your heart, in the language of your body. It is the expression of Divinity within you. And it calls to you now as it has never called before—because you are hearing it now as it was never heard before.

It is time to share with the world a glorious vision. It is the vision of all minds that ever truly searched, of all hearts that have ever truly loved, of all souls that have ever truly felt the Oneness of Life.

Once you have felt this, you can never be satisfied with anything less. Once you have experienced it, you will want nothing but to share it with all those whose lives you touch.

For it is the Reality, and it stands in spectacular contrast to the Illusion. You will be able to experience the Reality, and to know it, because of the Illusion. Yet you are not the Illusion, and the “you” that you experience within the Illusion is not Who You Really Are.

You cannot remember Who You Really Are as long as you imagine the Illusion to be real. You must understand that Illusion is an illusion—that you created it, for purposes very real, but that the illusion itself is not real.

This is what you have come here to remember, with more clarity than you have ever remembered before.

The transformation of your world will depend on your remembering. The meaning of the word education is not “to put it,” but “to draw out.” All true education is the drawing out from the student of what is already there. The Master knows that it is already there and has no need, therefore, to place it there. The Master simply endeavors to cause the student to notice that it is there.

Teaching is never about helping others to learn but about helping them to remember.
All learning is remembering. All teaching is reminding. All lessons are memories, recaptured.

It is impossible to teach something new, for there is nothing new to teach. Everything that ever was, is now, and ever shall be, is, right now.

The soul has access to all of this information. Indeed, the soul is all of this…in formation.

The soul is the Body of God, in formation.

I am not in constant process of formation. That process has been called evolution, and it is a process that never ends.

If you think of God as a process, or a being, that is “finished,” you have not correctly remembered what is so. Here is a great secret: God is never finished.
With anything. Including you.

God is never finished with you.

That is because you are what God is. And since God is not finished with God, God cannot possibly be finished with you.

Now, here is the Divine dichotomy: I have said that everything that ever was, is now, and ever shall be, is, right now. I have also said that the process of evolution is never-ending, thus, never over. How can both be true?

The answer has to do with the nature of time, as you understand it. In truth, there is no such thing as time, there is simply a process which is going on continually in the never-ending Moment of Now.

God is a process.

It is not possible for you to understand this within the framework of human logic or the limitations of the human mind. These limitations are self-imposed, and they are self-imposed for a reason. It goes back to the reason for the entire illusion, which has been explained to you many times now—and will be explained one more time before this present communication comes to an end.

For now, simply now that God is never done “Godding.” The process by which I experience Myself is ongoing, never-ending, and instant.

The particular aspect of Me that is manifesting as human life on earth is even now being transformed. You are, in these present days and times, choosing to play a conscious role in this transformation. Your choice to play that role is demonstrated by the simple act of picking up this book. You would have not done so—much less read this far—without having an intention at some very deep level to return to awareness.
Even if you imagine yourself to be reading this book as a skeptic or critic, that is just your current imagining. Your underlying purpose in having come to this communication is to bring about a grand remembering.

This remembering is what is occurring now all over your world, throughout your human society. It has begun in earnest, and you can see evidence of it all around you.
You are nearing the second stage of the process of transforming life on your planet, and it can be complete in a very short period of time—a few decades, one or two generations—if you choose.

The first stage of this transformation has taken much longer—indeed, several thousand years. But even this, in cosmic terms, is a very short time. It is during this period of the awakening of humanity that individuals whom you have called teacher, Master, guru, or avatar undertook the task of reminding others of Who They Really Are.

As the number of people who are touched by this early group and their teaching increases to critical mass, you will experience a quickening of the spirit, or what you might call breakthrough, in which second transformation begins.

Now the adults begin teaching their young—and from that point, the movement is very fast.

Your race is at this breakthrough point now. Many humans felt a shift when you moved into your new millennium. This was a key point in the onset of a global shift of consciousness in which you are now playing your role.

The key to continuing this momentum lies with your young. If the education of your offspring now includes certain life principles, your species can make the quantum leap forward in its evolution of which it is capable.

Build your schools around concepts such as awareness, honesty, responsibility; subtopics such as transparency, sharing, freedom, full-expression, joyous sexual celebration, human bonding and diversity in oneness.

Teach your children these things, and you will have taught them grandly. Above all, teach them of the Illusion, and how—and why—to live with it, and not within it.


Jabora said...

Inspiring... I need the voice clip that I hear on the Radio

Unknown said...

How can I get the recording