Monday, May 28, 2007

Seizing Your Moment of Grace

21. Seizing Your Moment of Grace

Now is the time of your deciding. Now is the hour of choice. You have come—as has your species—to a crossroads.

You will select, in the days and weeks, months and years immediately ahead, how you want life to be on your planet—or if you want life to be on your planet at all.

You will choose either to continue living the Illusion that you have created as if it were real. Or you will choose instead to step away from the Illusion, to see it as an Illusion, and to use the Illusion in order to experience heaven on earth, and the Ultimate Reality of Who You Really Are.

This is My message to the world.

You can create a new kind of civilization. You can seek a newer world. The option is yours. The moment is at hand. This is your moment of grace.

Use this moment.

Seize the day.

Begin as you awaken, by seeing yourself as Who You Really Are, by praising all that you have ever been, and all that you have become. And begin by choosing, in this moment of grace, to become more than you have ever been or ever dreamed of being; to reach beyond your own reach; to remember that nothing is beyond reach.

See yourself as the light that will truly light the world. Declare yourself to be so. Announce it to your heart, and then, through your heart, to everyone. Let your actions be your announcement. Fill your world with love.

Know that you are the savior for whom all have waited, come to save everyone whose life you touch from any thought they may ever have that would deny the wonder of who they are, and the glory of their eternal communion with God.

Know that you have come to the room to heal the room. You have come to the space to heal the space. There is no other reason for you to be here.

You are on a journey to mastery, and now it is time to get on with it. Embrace the holy moment. This is My message, and there is more.

Be in the world, do not ignore it. Spirituality does not have to mean finding a cave and hiding out forever. Be in your world but not of it. Live with the Illusion, not within it. Yet not abandon it, do not retreat from the world. That is not the way to create a better world, and it is not the way to experience the grandest part of you.
Remember that the world was created for you so that you might have a context within which to experience yourself as Who You Really Are.

Now is the time to do that. The world you have created may soon be uncreated by the lot of you if you ignore that world much longer, allowing it to go its way while you go yours, involved only in your own day-to-day experiences, and playing little part in seeking to co-create the larger experiences around you.

Look at the world around you. Feel your passion. Let it tell you what part of the world around you that you wish to re-create anew. Then use the tools you have been given to begin that re-creation. Use the tools of your own society: the tools of religion, education, politics, economics, and spirituality. You can make statements with these tools, statements of Who You Are.

Do not imagine that spirituality and politics do not mix. Politics is spirituality, demonstrated.

Do not think that education and spirituality can, or should, be separate. For what you teach is who you are—and if that is not spirituality, then what is?
And do not imagine that religion and spirituality are not one and the same. Spirituality is that which builds a bridge between the body, the mind, and the soul. All true religions build a bridge, not a wall.

So be the builder of bridges. Close the gaps that have formed between religions, between cultures, between races, and between nations. Join together what has been put asunder.

Honor your home in the Universe, and be its good steward. Protect your environment and save it. Renew your resources and share them.

Give glory to your God by giving glory to each other. See God in everyone and help everyone see God in themselves. End your divisions and your rivalries, your competitions and your battles, your wars and your killing forever. End it. Put and end to it. All civilized societies finally do.

This is My message to you, and more.

If you truly desire to experience the world of your highest imagining, then you must love unconditionally, share freely, communicate openly, and create cooperatively. There can be no hidden agendas, no limitations on love, no withholding of anything.
You must decide that you truly are all One, that what is good for another is good for you, that what is bad for another is bad for you, that what you do for another you do for yourself, and that what you do not for another you do not do for yourself.
Is it possible for you to act like this? Are human beings capable of such splendor?
Yes. I tell you yes, and yes, and a thousand times, yes!

And do not worry that then there will not be enough of “what you are not” left to create a contextual field within which to experience Who You Really Are. The whole Universe is your contextual field! All of your memory, as well.

The elders and the wise among you often exhort you to erect monuments, to create special days and solemn rituals to commemorate your past—your wars, your holocausts, and all your moments of dis-grace. Why commemorate these? You may ask. Why keep bringing up the past and those elders will say, “Lest we forget.”

Their advice is more sound than you know, for in creating a contextual field in memory, you make it unnecessary to do so in the present moment. You truly can say “Never again,” and mean it. And in declaring this, you use your moments of dis-grace to create moments of grace.

Can your species make such a declaration? Can the human race remember itself as it was when it reflected, in every thought, word, and deed, the image and likeness of God? Are you capable of such splendor?

Yes. I tell you yes, and yes, and a thousand times, yes!

This is how you were meant to be, this is how life was designed to be, before you lost yourself in the Illusions.

It is not too late. No, not early too late. You of such glory and wonder, you can do it, you can be it. You can be love.

Know that through all, I am with you. This is the end of the present communication, but it can never be the end of our collaboration, our co-creation, or our communion. You will always have a conversations with God, you will always enjoy a friendship with God, and you will always be in communion with God.

I will be with you always, even unto the end of time. I can never not be with you, for I am you, and you are Me. That is the truth, and all else is an Illusion.
So journey on, My friend, journey on. The world waits to hear your message for its salvation.

That message is your life, lived.

You are the prophet whose time has come. For what you demonstrate is true about your life today is an absolute prediction of what will be true about your life tomorrow. This makes you a prophet, indeed.

Your world will change because you are choosing to change it. Your work is healing more than you know, and your reach extends beyond tomorrow.

All of this is true because you choose to allow the wonder of your communion with Me to be demonstrated in, as, and through you. Choose this often and bring peace to My world.

Become an instrument of My peace.

Where there is hatred, sow love;
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is darkness, light;
Where there is sadness, joy.
Seek not so much to be consoled, as to console;
To be understood, as to understand;
To be loved, as to love.

For my love is Who You Are, and who you have always been. It is all there ever was, is now, and ever shall be.

You have searched for a truth by which to live your life, and I give it to you here, again.

Be love, My beloved.

Be love, and your long journey to mastery will be over, even as your new journey to bring others to mastery has just begun. For love is all that you are, all that I am, and all that We were ever meant to be.
So be it.

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